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Hi, I'm Amanda!

Follow Me and Learn Tips on How to be a Fit Mom!

Fuel Your Body With Whole Foods!

Vegetables, Fruits, and Nuts Are A Great Snack!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Healthy Turkey Burger & Zucchini Chips

  I'm a sucker for a juicy burger, chips, and guacamole, buuut I also want to fit in my bikini this summer, can't we just have it all?!  UHhh not always!  So I had to create a healthy "go to" turkey burger for those non-cheat meal nights and I topped it with guacamole alongside some crunchy zucchini chips!  Beats my craving and is delicious!  Enjoy! 

                  Here are the recipes, use your 21 Day Fix containers for perfect portions!                                          
Turkey Burger

Mix your ground turkey with the smoky southwestern seasoning in the 21 day fix meal plan, no one likes a bland burger. You can add an egg and 2 TBSP of bread crumbs, but this time I left them out.

Form your meat into patties, heat a skillet on med-high heat, add the burger and flip when it looks half way cooked. Finish cooking, internal temp should be at least 160 degrees. Top with a little provolone or omit cheese.


I prepare a head of time, click here to view this recipe!

Zucchini Chips
3-4 servings depending on the size
*Adding parmesan cheese will increase your blue containers unless you choose less guacamole.

1 whole zucchini
1/3 c parmesan (optional)
3/4 c panko bread crumbs
1/4 tsp onion & garlic powder
cayenne pepper to taste, or chili powder for no spice
1 egg beaten

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Slice the zucchini in thin pieces, dip in egg, dip in bread crumb mixture and place on a wire rack on a sheet pan. Bake for 15-20  minutes until crispy looking!
Bon Appetit!  ~ Amanda

Interested in joining an accountability group where women work together to empower each other and reach new health and fitness goals?  Fill out my quick survey here!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Vanilla Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream, 21 Day Fix Approved!

I scream, you scream.... we all scream for ICE CREAM!!  
Who doesn't love dessert?!  This GUILT FREE ice cream is amazing!  I've been able to create new recipes with the 21 Day Fix that taste delicious, are dessert, and keep me on track with my program to lose weight!  Even though you are measuring your ingredients with your containers you can mix them together for a creative treat!  Here is a full review on the 21 Day Fix.

Try this vanilla shakeology peanut butter and banana ice cream when you are getting that sweet tooth!  This recipe is for two servings, I enjoyed it with my valentine and I hope you do too!


Vanilla Peanut Butter Banana Shakeology Ice Cream
2 Servings - About 1/2 cup per Serving - 1 Purple & 1 Red Container

1/2-1 cup almond milk
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1 medium frozen banana (peeled before freezing)
1 Tbsp. all natural peanut butter


Place milk, Shakeology, banana, and peanut butter in a high powered blender.  Blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a bowl and freeze for 4 hours. For best results stir every 30 minutes, or let it thaw for a few minutes before serving!  ENJOY!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Post Holiday Clean Up: 3 Day Refresh Review

Heeeeck no, I did not turn down the pumpkin or strawberry pie!  I am also guilty of having my fair share of chips, dip, and cocktails; items I don't include in my diet on a 'normal' basis!  All year I aim to eat clean 90% of the time because I feel my best when I do, and I had strayed off course a little too much.  I was feeling bloated, low on energy and foggy from all of the junk I consumed from Thanksgiving through the New Year!
It was the first week of the New Year and everyone's posting up their resolutions, and I hadn't even thought about mine yet, bad girl, I know!  So I decided I wanted to clear out the bad, feel good again, and the 3 Day Refresh seemed like a great idea.

I have never tried a cleanse, so I did a little digging and I found out that other popular short-term cleanses provide incomplete nutrition promoting muscle loss instead of fat loss and can cause a rebound due to the lack of adequate protein, low fiber, and/or high sugar levels.  This particular cleanse is designed to help you detox, eat less, has the fiber and the nutrition, plus real food you need, so you don't feel as deprived.

The 3 Day Refresh, is in fact 3 days.  You’ll follow a program of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water (recommend half your body weight in ounces), plus a wide array of choices for fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.
Here is the breakdown of what you will receive:

Once I received my 3 day cleanse and planned out my days I needed to get mentally prepared for this. I accepted I might feel hungry, but decided I would keep a positive attitude and give it a real try.  So I took a day to do that and now I was excited to start.

My plan was to stay on a timely schedule and eat/drink each meal or shake every 1-2 hours. I chose Vegan Chocolate Shakeology, and also decided that I could NOT skip my daily cup of coffee, which they do allow you to have, black.  If you want to skip the coffee, I would start the process of limiting it ahead of time.

Here is an example of the break down:

1.  I woke up and drank 12 ounces of water, and within an hour blended my Chocolate Shakeology with water and a banana. Drank more water.

2.  I had my BLACK coffee an hour later, which I didn't think I would enjoy, but I guess I DO like it well enough after all! And drank More Water.

3.  Then an hour or so after my coffee, I had my Fiber Sweep, which I chugged, because it was a little weird in consistency but had a lemony flavor that wasn't bad.  I had MORE Water after that.  At this point I'm looking towards a later lunch, which is what I wanted.  I was feeling good energy wise and was excited to continue my day!

4.  Lunch time rolled around about 2 hours later and I had the Vanilla Fresh Shake with strawberries, blended. I'm not a vanilla flavor person so I was trying to change it to strawberry, which kind of worked.  The shake is very sweet tasting from the stevia in it, so I drank water with it. In my opinion it was drinkable and slightly enjoyable.  At this point you are also allowed to have a veggie and healthy fat, so I had celery and almond butter, and of course, MORE Water!  I felt good and went about my afternoon sipping water and hanging out with my toddler on a walk.

5. One more veggie and healthy fat was scheduled for the afternoon before dinner: Bell peppers and hummus plus More water!

6.  I was doing great until I had to fix my kids some dinner, I really wanted to eat what they were having, but I stayed strong and had my Vanilla Refresh shake along with roasted asparagus and almonds! It was actually very yummy and truth be told I might have snuck a few extra asparagus pieces!

7.  I saved my herbal tea for the evening. I had one while I took my son to basketball, and and then I had a night time tea right before bed.  I felt really energized and very in tune with my body.  But it took me forever to fall asleep that night, and I got a little hungy!

My day two schedule was the same as day one with a few different meal choices.  One being, I mixed my vanilla refresh shake with frozen pineapple/mango chunks.  I did get a little grumpy right before lunch time and I had to refocus.  I like chicken, and I missed it.  Although I felt the freebie spices helped me to make my day 2 lunch interesting, a whole red pepper and "guacomole."  After lunch I was feeling energized but also a little unsatisfied.  So I drank more water, finished out my day two, although I was a little hungry at bed time again!

I woke up day three with not as much motivation to get this refresh accomplished. I was HUNGRY so I quickly drank my water and my shake that morning!  That set me on track and reminded me of how good my body was feeling!  My secret was to stay busy, stay on my schedule and my day was flying by. Then I hit a speed bump at dinner, I got off track and got reeeeeeeeal HUNGRY!  I quickly got my fresh green bean, carrot, and red pepper medley sauteed up, and devoured it.  My family even liked it with their chicken, chicken I wanted, haha!  Once again I went to bed a little hungry after my sleepy time tea, but I FINALLY slept like a baby!  

When I look back on my refresh, I believe it was a great experience. It was challenging, I recommend staying clear of temptation and other's eating.  I planned out everything a head of time, and did my best to stick to a schedule.  Even though I felt hungry at times my body felt alive and full of energy which kept propelling me to stick to the plan and move forward.  
I lost bloating, mental fogginess, sluggish feelings, and 2 POUNDS!!  My goal was to refresh my body, and I did!  The weight loss was a bonus, and this program helped me kick start my healthy eating into another round of the 21 Day Fix!  A week and a few days later I'm down 4 pounds, and feeling motivated to stay committed to my healthy habits, GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!  I will definitely be using this again!

Are you ready to REFRESH with me?!
I am offering a 3 Day Refresh Support Group in February!
After the refresh we will be finishing the month off with a
Clean Eating Group to help you stay on track and preserve 

your results, exercise is optional!  

So how does this work? First make me your Team Beach Body Coach if I'm not. Contact me below by filling out the application to join! You are required to purchase the 3-day refresh challenge pack from me, then you are accepted to my private online support group! 

We Will complete the 3 Day Refresh, and then finish out the 30 days replacing one meal a day with Shakeology, healthy eating and any exercise of your choice. Each day you will log into the group to receive your tip of the day, daily motivation, inspiration and accountability.  I will share my recipes, and my tips to healthy eating!  By the end of the 30 days we will have kicked out the bad habits and introduced new habits into your life for creating a long healthy life for you and your family!

Does this sound like something you are ready to do?
If so, complete this application:

If you are anxious to join now, click the image below and purchase the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack! I will message you to chat and get you up and running! I am so excited to help you along your cleanse and healthy eating challenge! 
Talk to you Soon, Amanda


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Health Tips for a Happy Holiday!

Somebody pinch me!!  I don't know about you, but I blinked and November passed me by. Recovering from my candy coma was my first step; YES, I indulged on Halloween,who didn't?!
Then came planning my family pictures (I'm not a fashionista so this takes many hours); prepping for a feast, and relatives arriving and enjoying their visit during Thanksgiving.  Lastly combined with exhaustion from many shopping hours but scoring awesome deals on my first black friday experience, just like that it's December!

In the midst of "normal" life: kids schedules, chores and extra holiday festivities, I am leading an accountability group to help other's reach new goals in their health and fitness and let's not forget, to help MYSELF stay on track! I want to ENJOY the holidays but maintain the results I have worked my butt off for all year long!

So this got my brain buzzing on how I won't be sabotaging myself this year! Let's face it, "Tis' the season," and it can be stressful, every party is oozing with cookies, candy canes, carbs, and concoctions ready for us to leave a button undone that next morning wishing we could keep our pajama pants on.  Noone wants that so here are my survival tips for you (AND ME)!

Focus on Fun not Food: Instead of revolving family traditions around food, play games, go caroling, work on a holiday project together and enjoy each other's company!

Indulge without Overindulging: Relax, and stick to healthy meals! Meal plan and prep at the beginning of the week so on those late nights, you have a healthy breakfast/lunch ready the next day!

Do not skip meals!! You might be thinking "I'm saving calories for later," eh no, you're only confusing your body to save those for the next time you decide to skip a meal-Eeek!! Also, this will probably just leave you starving and then pigging out later.
If your family is on a different schedule adjust your meals to be smaller and more frequent inbetween their large meals so you do not 'starve.'

While you fill your plate, choose more of the healthy options, and don't bother with the the items you don't absolutely love, save the splurge for your favorite dessert instead of all ten! ;)

Last but not least, if you DO over eat at the chocolate fountain, don't throw in the towel and head for the cake table, take back control!

Stay Active: Everyone seems to be skipping the gym, because they are too busy, *ahem* which
 is why I workout at home, BUT if the day goes on and you can't get that workout in, have a dance party with your kids, bundle up and walk the street to view some Christmas lights, or do some extra cleaning, it all burns calories!

Drink Lots of Water: Being hydrated is vital for our bodies to operate properly. Every single cell in our body needs water to function properly! Drinking water can help you lose and manage your weight.  Sip on a calorie free sparkling Perrier, or unsweetened sparkling water!

Beware of the Bubbly:
I don't want to sound like your mother, buuut drink responsibly!
We won't even bring up the amount of calories in alcoholic drinks, so stick to the ones on the rocks or use soda water as your mixer. You will sip slower and consume less in the long run.

Noone wants to wake up with a hangover. Worse than that, your body is metabolizing the alcohol instead of your food; your body changes the way it functions when you consume alcohol, making alcohol a priority since it is a toxin instead of the food you are eating.

Stop drinking a few hours before bed, YES you will fall asleep quicker but your body is still metabolizing the alcohol which causes disruptions in your restorative sleep! Enjoy a cocktail or two and remember to stay hydrated!

REST: Get adequate amounts of sleep so that you aren't tempted to down that extra latte, skip exercise, or order in unhealthy foods!
Lack of sleep impacts your hunger and fullness hormones. These two hormones, ghrelin which signals your brain it's time to eat is produced more when your sleep deprived; and leptin which tells you to put the fork down plummets from lack of sleep. I know I don't need to state the obvious here, but I will, get your Zzzzz's and make up for some of that sleep debt on the weekend!

Hope you are able to find some of these tips helpful during this busy time of year! Most importantly, remember to be safe, enjoy your family and friends and have a Happy Holiday!! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kid Approved Healthy Halloween Treats!

It can be a little tricky keeping our little ghosts and goblins eating healthy this time of year!  We like to have our friends over for a pumpkin carving party and it's always fun to have halloween themed treats; especially some that the kids can help make.  Having healthy snacks so the kids can actually focus on the pumpkin carving is a huge plus!  I wanted to share a few of our favorites, Enjoy!

Monster Apple Smiles
Apples- Washed & Cored
Peanut butter
Mini Marshmellows

Spread peanut butter on the side of the apple
that the skin will appear as lips. Place marshmellows across the lip, top with another apple slice that also has peanut butter on it.

Banana Spiders

Banana- Cut into pieces
Pretzel Sticks
Chocolate Chips

Slice Bananas and place the pretzels as legs and
chocolate pieces as the eyes!

Strawberry Ghosts
Strawberries- Washed and Dried
White Chocolate or Greek Yogurt
Mini Chocolate Chips

Dip Strawberries in white chocolate or greek yogurt.
Push the chocolate chips in as eyes and mouth. Refrigerate if you
are using white chocolate, and freeze for yogurt!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Meatless Monday, Portabello Mushroom Recipe!

I was misled into thinking eating a vegetarian meal for dinner and I wouldn't have enough protein to fill me up! If you are wondering 'should I try a vegetarian meal?  Is there enough protein and does it taste good?'
The answer: Yes! It tastes delicious, always very filling, and biting into the mushrooms gives you the sense you are still having a hearty meal. Try out this stuffed portobello mushroom and enjoy an evening without meat for you and your special someone, or family!!

(One Serving)
2 Large Portabello Mushrooms
1 Tomato, diced (small)
1-2 Garlic Cloves Minced/Crushed
2 Large handfuls of fresh baby spinach, chopped
1/4  cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Pinch of Mrs. Dash Original No Sodium
1/4 cup Italian Dressing-Your Choice
Pepper to Taste
1/4 cup low sodium chicken broth or water

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Wipe your mushrooms caps with a damp cloth to clean. Cut or pull the mushroom stem off and remove the gills on the underside of the caps if you wish (I prefer so I have more room for filling).

In a small bowl combine the tomato, garlic, spinach, feta, mozzarella, Mrs. Dash seasoning, italian dressing, and pepper in a bowl. Toss together.

Place the mushrooms in a small baking dish, and evenly divide the mixture and stuff into the caps. Don't worry about over stuffing as the mixture will wilt as they bake.  If you have extra cheese, feel free to sprinkle on top, although it really does not need it.

Pour chicken broth/water in the bottom of the baking dish and Bake for 30 minutes until the mushrooms are soft and the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

21 Day Fix, A Fad or A Fix?! See Real Results!

I am a bit of a skeptic. At first I saw those tiny containers, and I thought, I'm going to be starving! Plus, I already eat healthy could it even make a difference for me?!

I kept seeing a ton of pictures showcasing some awesome results in women and men's bodies. So due to my nosey personality, burning curiousity, and recent lack of discipline, I figured I had to try it out. Check out the spec's below on this Beach Body Program and see if it could be your fix!

1.  Autumn Calabrese is your personal trainer, she is well 

known in the fitness world as a bikini competitor.
She is also a single mom, so what's that tell ya?
She's busy, and she knows how to get fit quick!  She combined an easy to follow portion control system and world class 30-minute workouts for 21 days straight to start your weight loss off with a bang or make you break thru that annoying plateau! 

2. Let's talk diet, in my opinion a huge benefit to this program! There are lists of MANY whole foods you can eat, what to avoid and even some cheats for you to have.  Also included in the booklet are recipes (or you can use your own), a basic meal guide to follow if you don't want to create your own, a plan to show you how to calculate your caloric intake based upon your current stats, and a three day quick fix to get you started! 

To be clear, there really is no “diet” here in the program. The meal guide uses a color coded system of containers and a Shakeology Shaker Cup to give you perfect portion control every meal, with zero mistakes based upon your caloric intake (which is different for everyone).  Most of us have no clue what the correct portion size is when we are preparing a meal, and when we eat out it's generally a portion size for two or sometimes three! Here there is no counting calories, just including the right amount of containers for your day.     

3.  About those workouts! They are challenging and different every day. Don't worry they are not insane like some other programs, but burn maximum calories for any fitness level, and involve full body exercises with weights or bands. Don't stress if you are just starting out, there are easy to follow modifications for beginners! There are a total of 6 workouts plus one bonus workout on two dvd's that you will rotate according to your calendar.

My favorite aspects about this workout:
- I don't over eat and I'm not left hungry! I fill my container every meal/snack and put it on my plate, or pack it up when making my to go bag. Inbetween programs, I am STILL concious of my portion sizes!
- I learned to incorporate more veggies in my meals, and still do to this day!
- If I am having a craving, there is options for a cheat, and recipes too!
- Workouts aren't too long, and Autumn is motivating without being annoying.
- If I had a rough week and want to enjoy a glass of wine, there's a way to have that.  

- If I HAVE to eat out, there is a guide to follow for those occasions. 
- I could plan my weeks meal plan ahead of time, and prep many foods in one day that I could quickly combine for my meals throughout the week = time saver!!

I completed two workouts a week. At the time I was recovering from injuries and that was my limit. I still experienced results in my body in a short amount of time! I felt more energetic, less bloated and stronger. 

I may not have needed to lose a lot of weight, but I needed to make healthier choices so I didn't gain weight and would feel more energized. I love this program and will be doing more rounds of it!

If you are short on time for workouts, need direction on what you should be eating for weightloss, and want to learn portion control, this is a great fit for you!

This Challenge Pack supplies all of your daily nutrients, boosts your energy, and helps you recover from your workouts when combined with Shakeology!   Click here to learn more about Shakeology. 
If you are ready to get started fill out this form and we will get you started soon in one of my support groups!  Check out more results below! 

See more results from the 21 Day Fix below:

Lori's results for 21 Day Fix: