Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Apple Strawberry Fruit Roll Up

Kids love that sweet, sticky, chewy, candy-like snack well known as the fruit roll-up!  Unfortunately, this mama doesn't love those sugar laden, chemical roll ups! So I took matters into my own hands, and I did a lil' research. I ended up with these apple-strawberry fruit roll ups for my boys! It only took about 30 minutes of prep (maybe less, if you aren't interrupted 10 times by the kids wanting to know exactly what you are making- don't tell them because it takes awhile in the dehydrator, just say "A SURPRISE!") and then you just let it sit in the dehydrator- it really doesn't get any easier!

4 Large Organic Apples (6 if Small)
1 Cup Organic Strawberries (I unthawed frozen ones)

Directions: Peel apples, and core with apple corer.
Toss them in a pot with a little water in the bottom, bring to a light boil. Once they are soft, mash them and stir or just dump in the blender with the strawberries. Blend until liquified.
Wipe a light coat of Extra virgin olive oil on the fruit roll up sheet that comes with your dehydrator.

Slowly pour onto the dehydrator's solid fruit roll sheet. Spread evenly. Turn on and let dry for around 12-15 hours. Test it to make sure it's done, peel it off and cut into serving sizes!

So why do I take the time to make these while they are already packaged and readily available?
I dislike buying products that are chalked full of preservatives, color dyes, and have no nutrients! The additives put into processed foods to make them look and taste better include unhealthy amounts of extra salt, fat, and sugar—and those are the ingredients you can pronounce.  They hurt our children and cause them to be addicted to sugar, just as it does to us! These additives and fake sugars hold a high price over you or your children's heads.  With increased food allergies, cancers, diseases, increased wasitlines, and decreased absorption of vitmains and minerals- mainly steming from what we eat, it is time to take a step back and look at what we are putting in our bodies!
Kids LOVE these kinds of snacks plus many  more! The sad thing is almost every snack product is FULL of these harmful substances and we have NO idea they are in there! I am doing my best to eliminate the junk from their DAILY meals!  Here is a list of ingredients to avoid when purchasing snacks for yourself or your  children!
Saccharin (Sweet’N Low)- NutraSweet (Equal/Aspartame/Spoonful)
- Refined Sugar
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG )
- Artificial Colors
Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite
Olestra (Olean)Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable OilGenetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
If the list of ingredients on the package is long, there's probably a lot of chemical additives in the product, and it is best to steer clear because of the unknown health effects, especially of them combined together!



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